UCV Library System

    UNIVERSITY OF CAGAYAN VALLEY LIBRARY envisions itself as source of information and knowledge resources (in all formats) readily and easily accessed by information users for their personal and professional growth.


           The UCV library system has an inherent obligation/service to support the educational, recreational, personal, and economic endeavors of the members of the UCV academic community and the general public.

Continuing Goals

           UCV Library System aims to assist the administration in the promotion of the academic programs of the institution; to assist its information users in their research needs; and to meet the instructional needs of the faculty members in line with their respective programs and area of specialization and vision-mission and goals of the institution. 

Library Policies

1. Only those students who are in proper uniform and with ID card properly pinned are allowed to enter the library.

2. A student’s library card should be registered in the library. This is non-  transferable; hence, anybody caught using other library card will be deprived from his/her library privileges for 2 weeks. 

3. Fiction books, biographies and books on general interest may be borrowed for home use for a period of one week. 

4. Books for overnight reading are to be issued from 4:00 to 6:00 pm only and to  be returned to following morning from 7:00-9:00 am. 

5. A penalty of ten pesos (10:00) per day is charged to borrower who fails to return books on time. 

6. Books for Xerox purposes can be brought out for 30 minutes only. 

7. Eating, smoking, and doing unethical behavior such as shouting are not allowed inside the library. 

8. Lost books are to be replaced with the same title, author or may be charged on the current price plus 10% cost of handling. Lost books should be reported to the librarian at the earliest possible time. 

9. Anyone caught tearing the pages/pages of the book or mutilating Library properly will be punished with suspended or expulsion. 

10. Any student found violating the rules and regulations of the library shall be recommended for disciplinary action by the librarians to the school authorities concerned.